CHAO-LEE is famous for providing prompt serivce, professional industridal knowledge and high business integrity. We understand the industry demands and do our best to secure a competitive position in the market. Our people are aiming to provide you with a commitment by offering trusted brands with a broad range of high quality products to support your require.

- 所有產品均是原廠公司貨,安心有保障
- 商品保固:一年(正常使用狀況)
- 嚴格篩選合作之廠商/品牌,並同時致力於分享擁有高品質
- 提供完善專業售前諮詢、售後服務,讓您在購買前有更進一步的保障
- 合理的價格與優良的品質是我們的堅持
- 有急需任何客服,或其他商品需求及需要大量採購議價,請來電客服專線:02-2772-3733
- We only offer genuine products with quality guaranteed.
- All products under normal use have one-year warranty since the purchase date.
- All of our distribution brands are selected carefully and strictly, and we are aiming to provide you with a continuous commitment of the competitive market pricing to support your requirement.
- We keep aligning product knowledge with major brands and our suppliers to provide you the professional pre-sales consultation and after-sales service.
- We offer high quality products at the reasonable price.
- Once you have any urgent cases of porduct spec checking or pricing request for quantity demand, please feel free to call our customer service hotline: 02-2772-3733
- 無熔絲斷路器
- 漏電斷路器
- 空氣斷路器
- 電磁開關
- 電磁接觸器
- 熱動過載電驛
- 液位控制器
- 手動馬達控制器
- 太陽能DC直流開關
- 集合式電表
- 按鈕開關/指示燈
- 控制元件
- 盤用零料
- 變頻器
- 電力儀錶/電驛
- 機械傳動元件
- 電容器/變壓器/比流器
- 批發各類低壓配電器材等各種電工材料
- Molded-case circuit breaker
- Earth-leakage circuit breaker
- Air circuit breaker
- Magnetic switch
- Magnetic Contactor
- Thermal Overload Relay
- Floatless Level Switch
- Motor circuit breaker
- Solar DC Circuit Breakers
- Digital Panel and Meter (DPM)
- Push button Switch / Pilot Light
- Control Components
- Electrical Panel Components
- Inverter
- Protection relays
- Mechanical Power Transmission Components
- Capacitor/Power Transformer/Current Transformer
- We sale various types of low-voltage power distribution equipment and other electrical materials.
國際牌開關插座、天得、山河、僑電、端子台、保險絲 ( 座 ) 、安良、仕通、 OMRON 限時繼電器、定時開關、 GSM 進口電錶 ( 廣角型 ) 、明緯電源供應器、旭光、東亞日光燈具、光威和西北單頭及雙頭閘刀開關和錶前開關、天寶、順光工業用風扇和一般小型風扇 … 等。